I N D U S T R Y : Media, Entertainment & Arts
R O L E : Creative Direction & Design
D E L I V E R A B L E S : BCreative Management, Brand Identity System, Social Media Strategy, Email Marketing, Website Design, Animation
H I G H L I G H T : Working with creatives who wholeheartedly cheer on innovative design
Motion, Film & Notes
Brand Idendity Design • Web Design • Email Marketing
NEER is an artist agency representing a curated roster of cinematographers, directors and dps.
We started working with NEER in its early days as a young agency in 2018. We worked on designing and developing flexible and scalable marketing tools to kickstart the new business. Over the years, as the agency grew, so did the need for design leadership.
In early 2022, NEER added representing film directors with to its umbrella of brand offerings with Films and producing content with Notes. I oversaw the expansion of the brand.
As we held creative workshops with the team, we quickly identified that in addition to creative direction for brand expansion and integrity, we also needed to establish creative workflows to ensure the integrity of the brand over time.
From our first engagement in 2018, we knew that NEER’s greatest asset is the collective body of work constantly expanding by the cinematographers, dps and filmmakers they represent. The stills, the clips and the full spots make an incredibly rich visual library with infinite potential for brand and marketing initiatives.

From our first engagement in 2018, we knew that NEER’s greatest asset is the collective body of work constantly expanding by the cinematographers, dps and filmmakers they represent.
As a young company, things were moving fast but the current creative process in play was starting to hold the brand back.
I quickly identified multiple pain points to remedy in creative workflow and production:
There was no consistency in file names and folder structure to easily leverage the artist library. Assets created were used once and not leveraged for all channels, wasting time and missing opportunities for creative intervention.
Social media was not automated, taking up too much focus and hands-on time on a weekly basis.
Mailchimp production was started with a template used as a moodboard of unlabeled screenshots adding unnecessary challenges.
New initiatives were not fully integrated under the core brand and did not support each other for a cohesive and robust brand message.

Even though the urgent priority was launching NEER Films, moving forward with the current setup would not be successful from a brand operation and sustainability perspective. What started with a “We need to start sending emails.” led to an overhaul of creative workflows.
As a young company, things were moving fast but the current creative process in play was starting to hold the brand back.
I quickly identified multiple pain points to remedy in creative workflow
While developing the new brands, I worked with each team member to establish Dropbox conventions, marketing strategies for social media and email marketing planning, workflows for asset creation, and documentation. I created opportunity and foundation for new successful and sustainable initiatives while maximizing the growth and expansion of the NEER brand.