I N D U S T R Y : Healthcare
R O L E : Creative Direction & Design
D E L I V E R A B L E S : Marketing Collateral, Website Design, Brand Identity System
H I G H L I G H T : Discovering joy rooted in work with purpose and helping people
Genoa Telepsychiatry
Brand Idendity Design • Web Design
Genoa Telepsychiatry was Lumens' first full foray into designing in healthcare and it brought us a newfound joy rooted in purpose and helping people. Genoa is also our first and most successful Retainer Connect relationship.
Genoa Telepsychiatry provides underserved populations with better access to behavioral healthcare with telepsychiatry.
Over three years, we designed and re-designed the brand through three acquisitions, three different corporate cultures and teams, and kept evolving and growing the brand while keeping its core intact. With every new product offering, we created and established systems for the marketing team to successfully launch and grow, reaching both the providers and clinics that serve their communities.