Brand Identity Design • Web Design • Digital Marketing
General Fluidics
I N D U S T R Y : Healthcare tech
R O L E : Creative Direction & Design
D E L I V E R A B L E S : Brand Identity System, Website Design, Marketing Design, Social Strategy, Illustration
H I G H L I G H T : Working hand-in-hand with the CEO
General Fluidics hits at the center of Lumens' strengths: tech, healthcare, and start-ups. It has been a great opportunity to start a journey from the ground up. Made up of an incredibly talented and accomplished team of business and science leaders, Lumens came on board to bring forth the true potential of the brand. Working directly with the founder, PR, and marketing execs we designed the brand and all its design touchpoints.
General Fluidics is in the process of securing further funding. We are currently working on establishing the brand as an authority in innovative healthcare tech via content strategy.