Husdon River Park Friends
Business Council
Brand Design • Web Design
I N D U S T R Y : Non-profit
R O L E : Creative Direction & Design
D E L I V E R A B L E S : Brand Identity Design, Web Design, Brand Strategy
H I G H L I G H T : Contributing to the efforts of a New York institution shaping the city
Hudson River Park is a vital recreational, environmental, educational and cultural resource for New York City that spans four+ miles over 550 acres of water and green space. The park is maintained by community support and not by the city. We have an ongoing relationship with Friends and have worked with various departments on several brand projects.
After the success of the 550 Fund project, HRPK returned with a greater opportunity: to establish the Business Council. We worked with the Friends team and the founding members of the Council to define and design the Business Council under the HRPK brand.
As a new initiative of HRPK, we only had a one-sheet the team had put together. It was a starting point but it had no soul. Going back to square one allowed us to seek the true values and spirit of the council to tease out the key concepts. To accommodate the founding members’ volunteer time, a new version of our signature creative workshops was created, to completed online on their own time. The invaluable information gleaned from the results of the workshop defined the mission and vision of the Council and directly informed the copywriting and design choices in defining the brand.
The mission of the Business Council is to enhance economic growth, strengthen community, and connect invited businesses of all sizes with engaged audiences through meaningful activations and offerings.